Cet ensemble construit entre 1946 et 1953 est signé des célèbres architectes René Egger et Fernand Pouillon, appuyé par les sculptures du céramiste aixois Jean Amado.

Les lotissements de La Tourette et du Vieux-Port sont des exemples de construction moderne en pierre massive prédécoupée, l’une des méthodes récentes de construction en pierre. La Tourette comprend le premier gratte-ciel en pierre, une tour de 16 étages réalisée en pierre massive prédécoupée porteuse. L’architecte Pouillon estimait que « Plus l’habitat est modeste, plus l’architecture doit être monumentale ».

Fernand Pouillon & René Egger

Né en 1912 et mort en 1986, l’architecte et urbaniste français Fernand Pouillon fut l’un des grands bâtisseurs de l’après-guerre. Précurseur du concept de développement durable, il prendra soin sur chacun de ses chantiers, de faire appel à l’artisanat local, il collabore avec des artistes sculpteurs, des céramistes et des paysagistes. Ses réalisations se parent de matériaux durables et ont le souci de respecter le paysage naturel.

René Egger (1915-2016) est un architecte moderniste français connu comme l’un des bâtisseurs de Marseille. Dans la période de la Reconstruction après-guerre, aux côtés de Fernand Pouillon, il fonde d’emblématiques édifices tels que l’hôpital Nord et la faculté de médecine de la Timone. Architecte discret sous l’aile de Gaston Defferre, son trait de crayon n’en a pas moins bouleversé la cité phocéenne. Il a dessiné Marseille telle qu’on la pensait à l’époque, sous un angle fonctionnel et monumental.


Landscape Designer DPLG

After completing her studies at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles-Marseille, Elodie Wehrlen became a DPLG landscape designer in 2013. This native of Alsace chose – after having worked for local authorities – to create her own structure, Côté Outdoor, and to dedicate herself to the development of gardens and terraces for individuals. “A desire to change scale. The exterior should be the centerpiece of the house. In Marseille, the potential is under-exploited and often relegated to the last part of the layout.

Her encounter with ARCHIK, whose architectural approach she appreciates, was made on social networks. An interview with Amandine led her to work on various projects. “Either before a sale to provide visual inspiration in 3D, sketches or for concrete realizations.

Her tastes lead her to prefer graphic gardens and terraces, with strong lines and the plants that go with them, such as birds of paradise or agaves.

Her favorite places in Marseille? The Docks building, for its conviviality and its contemporary identity, and a few cosy cafés like Coogee, on the Boulevard Baille in the 5th district.


François BLÉHAUT

Landscape Designer

François began his training in architecture at Paris-Val-de-Seine from which he graduated in 2002. After having collaborated with the Signes agency in parallel with his studies, he became fascinated by landscape design. He then joined the École Supérieure d’Architecture des Jardins et des Paysages, of which Gilles Clément, a world-renowned landscape architect, is the honorary president. After 2 years in Washington,
he moved to New York where he worked on his own for rooftop and garden projects in the Hamptons. He then directed the Landscape design branch for the agency
ODA-Architecture in New York.

After several years in the United States and wanting to reconnect with his home country, he founded the Tamaris agency for his personal projects in France and the United States.

In all of his creations and at all scales, François considers that a landscape project must be a successful link between man and his environment. Adept of the contrast between the regular and the natural, he brings a particular care to the choice of his evolving plant palettes as well as to the durability of the materials used.

After having met Amandine and Sébastien, François was confirmed in his choice to settle in the heart of the Phocaean city. Immediately seduced by ARCHIK’s transversal and precise concept, he decided to join the adventure and bring his expertise to the agency’s pool of experts.



Bespoke furniture designer

Axel is an object designer and co-creator of the Nova Obiecta studio. Ultra creative and with a precise taste, he also realizes, in collaboration with interior architects, custom-made furniture pieces for singular interiors.

With Nova Obiecta, he designs contemporary pieces, both utilitarian and sculptural, paying homage to kinetic art and the Memphis movement. Seeking abstraction through strict and calculated geometric forms, he seeks to instill a new look around sculptural furniture and plays with raw materials such as cork, steel or aluminum.

Partner of ARCHIK since the beginning, Axel Chay was the first designer to be exhibited in Maison ARCHIK in Marseille, but also to establish the foundations of ARCHIK Editions with the Opu(s) office.
