Here is the beautiful potential we found right in the Vauban neighborhood: 150 m2 we transformed into a home. We created two contemporary duplexes by recovering the height under the roof.


The stake was to create two family flats, with 3 bedrooms. The tool we used: volume and light! And of course, cherish and reveal the testimonies of the past: the stone window’s frames, the roof structure’s wood beams and the local Cassis’ stones retaining walls. This traditional materials work gives a contemporary and comfy look to the duplexes.

Course of action

We worked on the house plan to rethink the space and allow fluid movement, as a family home should. We created a mezzanine and let the natural light flow into the room. We worked mainly with white and raw materials like wood, and added light touches of colors to soften the atmosphere.


In this room, the taylor-made oak joinery underlines the plain white walls and genuinely expands the space, in the wake of the fair wood floors. The skylight around us sheds dancing light on the pink and midnight blue walls. As we move forward, we enter a large living room, going on two floors under a row of windows. The kitchen is structured around a central wooden recess and a bookcase stair leading to the master suite. This architecture achieves to give us an overall feeling of conviviality and intimacy at the same time. As we get closer, we can get a glimpse of what is coming up next. A real cocoon is suspended under the roof, layered with soft carpeting and indirect light. As a natural extension of this space, we find a peaceful parental shower room. As for the children’s side, the two bedrooms share a large bathroom with white ceramics, contrasted with soft pink.


Pièce A Part, curation & works
Double V Gallery, artworks
Good Design Store, furniture (FermLiving & Ethnicraft)
Bonsoirs, bedding
The Socialite Family, furniture

Photos @OlivierAmsellem

A singular exercise to start from a blank sheet of paper, without constraint and leaving free rein to creation.

  • Crédits photosOlivier Amsellem


Carnations | Caroline Venet


‛Carnations’ est un travail de recherche mêlant réemploi de cuir et terre porcelaine recyclée.

This is a limited series of objects and furniture for the home, unique pieces handmade in France, made in collaboration with ceramist Fanny Richard, leatherworker Aurélie Chadaine, and the tile factory Normandy Ceramics.

The leather scraps, end of series or rejects from the fashion industry, are collected to be revalorized, sublimated by their asperities, irregularities of the skin, scars, natural wrinkles or veins, which make the uniqueness of each object. It is a meeting of materials and know-how, between the suppleness of a leather skin and the velvetiness of hard porcelain or enamelled stoneware.

Out of a desire to perpetuate Studiofoam’s enchanting universe, and still in this logic of offering a global package, we have co-published ONDE(S), a limited edition luminous suspension.

Caroline Venet

Caroline Venet created Studiofoam in 2017, which she conceives as a research laboratory. Through this design studio, Caroline proposes a unique interpretation of materials, questions manufacturing techniques and processes, between innovation and traditional know-how. The designer explores the boundaries between art, craft and design. She develops a multiple approach, from experimentation to installation, from material and surface design to product design, set design, scenography and art direction.

It is a meeting of materials and know-how, between the suppleness of a leather skin and the velvetiness of hard porcelain or glazed stoneware.



Mars 2020 à Juin 2020 à
la Maison ARCHIK Marseille

Novembre 2020 à Mars 2021 à
la Maison ARCHIK Paris

Site du Designer

Le Vernissage

Façonner l’imaginaire | Amélie Maison d’Art

September – October 2019

ARCHIK continues its exploration of architecture, art and design by inviting the Parisian gallery Amelie Maison d'Art for this new exhibition.

Since ancient times in the Near and Middle East, the clay architectural model has explored, in a more or less explicit way, the relationship to reality and the sacred. Similarly, throughout the centuries, the practice of “paper architecture”, also called “visionary architecture”, has often been used by architects and artists to experiment with utopian projects and represent imaginary spaces. These conceptual drawings and models reflect a desire to imagine the world of tomorrow in the image of man, sometimes in opposition to the rationality of technology.

Pushing back the boundaries of art, craft and architecture, the sculptures and works on paper presented in “Shaping the Imagination” return us to this practice. Anouk Albertini’s series of monolithic buildings and natural biomorphic forms announce their relationship to the body with their titles “Family” and “Couple”. In parallel, Pilar Angeloglou’s constructions, like archaeological sites, are evocative of ancient and traditional architecture. Frédéric Heurlier Cimolaï’s work on paper, evoking mass plans, is intrinsic to his formal research on the proportions and modulations of space. Finally, Delphine Brabant’s radical constructions refer us to a monumental and brutalist architecture, communicating an expressive force to modernist and utopian currents.

Exhibited in the ARCHIK HOUSE, a place of work and creation around architecture, the pieces presented in “Façonner l’imaginaire” gain in autonomy and manifest their status as both objects and carriers of ideas.

Amelie Maison d'Art

“Since the beginning, our bias has been towards contemporary abstract art, which we feel is the strongest expression of the creative freedom of each artist who must create his or her own pictorial vocabulary.

Unlike figuration, abstraction also allows for an unlimited field of interpretation where the imagination of each artist is put to the test. Never seeing the same thing twice in a painting is the strength of abstraction.

We want to bring out a new generation of artists who deserve a prominent place in the art market.

Whether they are young or already present in prestigious collections, what all our artists have in common is their talent and the potential that our committee of experts recognises in them.

Our mission is to accompany them in their work, to increase their visibility, their notoriety and their rating.”

These conceptual drawings and models bear witness to a desire to imagine the world of tomorrow in the image of man, sometimes in opposition to the rationality of technology.



September – October 2019
at Maison ARCHIK Marseille

Exhibition curator

Cari Gonzalez-Casanova

Gallery website

The Opening

Cet ensemble construit entre 1946 et 1953 est signé des célèbres architectes René Egger et Fernand Pouillon, appuyé par les sculptures du céramiste aixois Jean Amado.

Les lotissements de La Tourette et du Vieux-Port sont des exemples de construction moderne en pierre massive prédécoupée, l’une des méthodes récentes de construction en pierre. La Tourette comprend le premier gratte-ciel en pierre, une tour de 16 étages réalisée en pierre massive prédécoupée porteuse. L’architecte Pouillon estimait que « Plus l’habitat est modeste, plus l’architecture doit être monumentale ».

Fernand Pouillon & René Egger

Né en 1912 et mort en 1986, l’architecte et urbaniste français Fernand Pouillon fut l’un des grands bâtisseurs de l’après-guerre. Précurseur du concept de développement durable, il prendra soin sur chacun de ses chantiers, de faire appel à l’artisanat local, il collabore avec des artistes sculpteurs, des céramistes et des paysagistes. Ses réalisations se parent de matériaux durables et ont le souci de respecter le paysage naturel.

René Egger (1915-2016) est un architecte moderniste français connu comme l’un des bâtisseurs de Marseille. Dans la période de la Reconstruction après-guerre, aux côtés de Fernand Pouillon, il fonde d’emblématiques édifices tels que l’hôpital Nord et la faculté de médecine de la Timone. Architecte discret sous l’aile de Gaston Defferre, son trait de crayon n’en a pas moins bouleversé la cité phocéenne. Il a dessiné Marseille telle qu’on la pensait à l’époque, sous un angle fonctionnel et monumental.

Having always worked in the commercial field in the pharmaceutical sector, it is in the field that she sharpens her sense of listening and accompanying. With a particular attention to beauty, which encourages her to push the expression of her singularity even further. His strong personality is an elegant palette of Mediterranean colours, luminous, pure and organic architecture. Not to mention a selection of art, crafts and textured materials for a total bohemian chic look.

Creative, curious, passionate about travel, gastronomy, culture and fashion, she is sensitive to the work of Le Corbusier for its avant-gardism, to the poetry of the designer Elise Fouin and to the invitation to travel of India Mahdavi.

Having come close to a career as a fashion designer, she finally turned to a world that was more like her and that brought together what made sense to her: a return to her fundamentals. She found the perfect balance at ARCHIK, where she shares the language and the notion of the art of living.

What does she like about Marseille? The impression that everything is possible. Its effervescence animates her, as much as its connection with nature: “the creeks just a stone’s throw from the city”.


Interior Architect

With 15 years’ experience in advertising in Paris as a creative designer for major brands such as Adidas, Google and Coca-Cola, Nicolas learned what makes great work: simplicity of concept, precision of method and exacting standards of production.

It was when he wanted to put his creativity to work on more concrete, tangible projects that Nicolas Souffleur decided to take the plunge and train in space design at the Ecole Boulle. His first agency experience came in Marseille, at Un Jour D’Avril! At the same time, he discovered ARCHIK’s multidisciplinary approach and entrepreneurial energy. Nourished by this universe, he decided to launch his own business in 2023, creating STUDIO CIAO, specializing in interior design projects for individuals and companies.

During a stay in Shanghai, Nicolas was struck by the work of Ólafur Elíasson, then exhibited at the Long Museum, whose works and their effect on the viewer were specially created and designed for the venue. It’s an approach Nicolas can identify with. A lover of ideas and stories, he initiates each project with a concept that serves as a guiding thread, gives meaning and aims to create spaces and settings that escape standardization and boredom. His materials of choice are wood and concrete for their timeless durability, and mirrors for their ability to transform a space.

With ARCHIK, Nicolas shares the vision of a privileged relationship with his customers, based on a passion for architecture and a tailor-made approach to their project.



Interior Designer

Interior designer, and a lover of authenticity and of mixing genres, Charlène Nivet graduated in Space and Object Design at the Pivaut school in Nantes. Her creative development continued in various design offices in the high-end world. After arriving in Marseille nearly 4 years ago, she worked for 2 years at Bulthaup and gained expertise in the design of culinary spaces in the high-end market, before creating “maadn”, her own agency.

Charlène’s core business is the renovation of old buildings in Marseille and its surroundings, whether they are flats, restaurants or hair salons.

Her guiding principle: to preserve the history and soul of an interior, making it memorable while providing all the necessary comforts of everyday life.

As a partner of ARCHIK, she brings to the agency her expertise in renovation and her quality of management of customer relations, whether they are individuals or professionals. All in all, a smooth transition.



Interior Designer

In love with raw and authentic materials, Yacine Bruckler, founder of RESONANCES Interior Design, has a weakness for suar wood, waxed concrete, terracotta and glass in all its diversity.

After a Master’s degree in Marketing, Yacine started in Paris as an International Project Manager for the group L’Occitane en Provence where she stayed for five years.  Attached to her Provencal roots, she chose to return to the sweetness of the South and to realize one of her dreams: to become an Interior Designer. In 2020, she went back to school and learned this new profession which is very close to her heart.

Then, she founded RESONANCES Interior Design, a firm with which she leads renovation and construction projects in partnership with HMONP architects. Today, her passion and her profession are one and the same and she accompanies her clients with heart and soul, creating a harmony that retranscribes their personality and their sensitivity. Curious by nature and of mixed race origin, the mix and match of styles and materials is a real source of inspiration for Yacine, like the work of Laura Gonzalez.

With ARCHIK it is a unique encounter, sharing the notion of “beauty” and a common philosophy of life: to pursue one’s dreams with all one’s strength. Yacine Bruckler joins ARCHIK to accompany you on your renovation projects in Marseille.


Annabel KERN


After starting her career in industrial marketing for 10 years at Alcatel, Annabel started her own business in 2005 and left her Parisian life to follow the Mediterranean sun. Her first project was the Atelier Créatif based in Roquevaire, specialized in furniture restoration, where she tried her hand at trompe-l’oeil and mosaics. Then, as a young mother, she started creating textile products and presented in 2015 at the Maison & Objet show a collection of cotton gauze linen.

The poetry of the object and the softness of natural textiles are the essence of her brand developed in limited series. Today, it is around the house, and in the accompaniment of its customers, that she blooms.

Positive, energetic and sincere, Annabel is inspired by the world around her, by the people she meets, and by her travels. Her imagination and sensitivity allow her to create colorful and harmonious worlds.

Today she works for ARCHIK as a decorator, and puts her experienced eye at the service of others… for the happiness of us all!