Cet ensemble construit entre 1946 et 1953 est signé des célèbres architectes René Egger et Fernand Pouillon, appuyé par les sculptures du céramiste aixois Jean Amado.

Les lotissements de La Tourette et du Vieux-Port sont des exemples de construction moderne en pierre massive prédécoupée, l’une des méthodes récentes de construction en pierre. La Tourette comprend le premier gratte-ciel en pierre, une tour de 16 étages réalisée en pierre massive prédécoupée porteuse. L’architecte Pouillon estimait que « Plus l’habitat est modeste, plus l’architecture doit être monumentale ».

Fernand Pouillon & René Egger

Né en 1912 et mort en 1986, l’architecte et urbaniste français Fernand Pouillon fut l’un des grands bâtisseurs de l’après-guerre. Précurseur du concept de développement durable, il prendra soin sur chacun de ses chantiers, de faire appel à l’artisanat local, il collabore avec des artistes sculpteurs, des céramistes et des paysagistes. Ses réalisations se parent de matériaux durables et ont le souci de respecter le paysage naturel.

René Egger (1915-2016) est un architecte moderniste français connu comme l’un des bâtisseurs de Marseille. Dans la période de la Reconstruction après-guerre, aux côtés de Fernand Pouillon, il fonde d’emblématiques édifices tels que l’hôpital Nord et la faculté de médecine de la Timone. Architecte discret sous l’aile de Gaston Defferre, son trait de crayon n’en a pas moins bouleversé la cité phocéenne. Il a dessiné Marseille telle qu’on la pensait à l’époque, sous un angle fonctionnel et monumental.


June – August 2023

A graphic and flamboyant scenography showcases their creations inspired by the aesthetics of the 70s.

The AMCA OVAL duo showcase their sustainably manufactured creations, inspired by the aesthetics of the 70s, in a play of textures and neutral and colorful hues.

Their VIBRATIONS collection is the fruit of Alexis Martial’s intuitive exploration of color, form and space. From his sensitive and abstract perception, he imagines a series of tufted cushions and wall art, as well as hand-knotted wool rugs, that explore his graphic vision.

AURORA is a contemporary interpretation of a modular system typical of the 70s, unveiled in 2023. An ode to circularity, creating a playful whole in a material that can be endlessly recycled. The system is imagined as a playground that can be transformed from the same laser-cut elements into an infinitely extendable screen, a table lamp or a coffee table with a glass top.

The oval is combined with extruded curves to create a kinetic pattern, like a kind of “paper-cut”.

Alexis Martial et Adrien Caillaudaud

The duo of Alexis Martial and Adrien Caillaudaud imagine a singular universe, both pop and poetic, expressed in fashion and design. Stylists, textile designers and art directors, the two creatives spent 15 years working in fashion before launching their AMCA OVAL project, a reference to their initials and the oval that symbolizes the ideal of a circular global system.

AMCA OVAL is a creative force that challenges norms, stimulates the imagination and leaves a lasting imprint on the world of art and fashion.

“There’s something very statutory about the circle, whereas the oval is much softer, more harmonious, more encompassing. It’s both a shape representing femininity, an ideal, and a symbol of sharing and collaboration that kept coming up in our inspirations.”

– Adrien Caillaudaud et Alexis Martial



From June 15 to August 28

At Maison ARCHIK Marseille

Designer’s website

Posture(s) I Anthony Guerrée

March – May 2023

The exhibition Posture(s) retraces the creative process of the French designer Anthony Guerrée, and allows to discover how he draws a seat from a posture.

This scenography honors the research work that the French designer Anthony Guerrée has been conducting for several years around « the seat ». This functional furniture orientates by its conception and its design, the posture that one adopts in contact with it and consequently its use. The inclination can either invite discussion and sharing, or conversely, withdrawal. ARCHIK and Anthony Guerrée invite visitors to immerse themselves in the designer’s creative process by exhibiting the sketches and models of his chair collection entitled « Les assises du temps perdu », inspired by the characters in Marcel Proust’s novel « À la recherche du temps perdu ».

As the new director of Habitat’s design studio, Anthony Guerrée delved into the brand’s archives and developed his first chairs. UP and DELTA, two strong pieces with clear geometric shapes that offer a play of full and empty spaces, are exhibited here at the Maison ARCHIK Marseille.

Anthony Guerrée

Anthony Guerrée is one of those designers who are about to mark our decade. Trained at the Ecole Boulle, the designer just graduated and joined the prestigious Studio Andrée Putman where he designed custom-made furniture for major architectural projects. He then spent five years working with Christophe Delcourt, designing furniture for his eponymous brand, as well as for international collaborations.

In 2020, Anthony Guerrée launched his own design studio. It was then that he unveiled his first manifesto project inspired by his reading of Proust, « Les assises du temps perdu », each corresponding to a character in the book. In 2022, the « Verdurin » chair from the same collection entered the collections of the Mobilier National. At the same time, he was awarded the « French Design » prize at the Élysée Palace.

At the same time, he designs for many French and international brands such as Kann Design, Linteloo or Nosten. In September 2022, he exhibited at La Maison La Roche (Fondation Le Corbusier) his collection « Fragments» which he had imagined for M Éditions, a design publisher created by Les Marbreries de la Seine, and which questions two myths: Greek architecture and Le Corbusier. The same year, he was named director of the design studio for Habitat.

« Drawing a seat is above all drawing a posture, an attitude, a way of sitting with others. »



From March 2nd to May 31st 2023
in Maison ARCHIK Marseille

Designer’s website
