A contemporary renovation that respects the special soul of this beautiful 110 m2 flat in the heart of the Old Port of Marseille.


To give this typical Old Port flat a new lease of life by revitalising and brightening it up.

Course of action

The idea was to rebalance the volumes of the place and to redefine the living rooms. The idea was also to create a work space that could become a spare bedroom, while keeping the beautiful light provided by the four windows.

The renovation and decoration of the flat was designed in several stages, in order to trace the eclectic career of its occupants, mixing contemporary pieces and travel objects.


Changing the volumes of the kitchen was the first thing to be done in order to remodel the living room, to integrate a lounge and a dining area. Unifying the ceiling by sanding the beams (former galley masts) allowed them to regain their original clarity and softness. The challenge was to maintain the feeling of space without losing the clarity, thanks to the glass roof and steel joinery, separating the office from the living room. All of this was achieved by maintaining a colour palette that harmonised with the clay tiles on the floor, by creating a dialogue between the furniture and by creating beautiful perspectives thanks to an XXL mirror with generous curves.

In the night space, a parental suite has been designed, full of softness and fantasy. The bathroom of the suite was entirely made to measure, with gold marble tiles highlighted by a delicately powdered pink that is accentuated by the copper tapware. The choice of a thick, light-coloured carpet brings to the whole the luxury touch of the grand hotels and an unparalleled voluptuousness.

A warm and delicate glow, revealed by the beautiful light of the South.


Before …

Renovation of a typical apartment of the 60s. Bright, located on a whole floor at the corner of 2 streets, it originally had 3 bedrooms, a shower room, a bathroom and a kitchen. Bought by a couple, one bedroom was removed to create instead a beautiful living space.


To give character to an apartment that didn’t have much. Favouring a large living space, very luminous, where the various pieces of furniture of the owners, keen on design of the 50s and 60s, will be highlighted. Renovate the whole, in its juice, with short perspectives, and with dark and not very functional rooms of water.

Course of action

Destructure to restructure. Open up the spaces as much as possible, but restructure them by using cross-cutting woodwork, giving onto both the hallway and the living room for example, or onto the hallway and the kitchen. Re-open and lengthen the perspectives, bet on white (the majority of the woodwork) and on pretty materials with soft, subtle tones: light terrazzo for the kitchen, slightly marbled tiles for the shower room, matt white tiles, almost chalky for the large bathroom…


Except for the 2 bedrooms and bathrooms, all the partitions have been removed. For the most part, they were replaced by custom-made woodwork. For example, the wall of the corridor was replaced by a large bookcase, located in exactly the same place, but which lets the light pass. A lot of work was done on the parquet floor, which was entirely renovated and completely redone in some rooms where there was none left. The kitchen was enlarged to the maximum, with the same principle of “crossing” furniture giving on the corridor. The two bedrooms were optimized by creating custom dressings at the head of the bed. A very graphic joinery work marks the entrance, and gives a strong personality, in contrast to the rest of the essentially white joinery.

A renovation that gives pride of place to materials and light.


Périer | Delibes

An extension of the very chic Carré d'Or, Périer is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods...

Before …

Without fundamentally modifying the volumes of the apartment, the work consisted above all in a refreshment in all points of view (kitchen, painting, parquet floor, joineries), in order to offer to the purchasers an apartment which resembles them: an apartment with character, at the same time eclectic and audacious.


To modernize an apartment in the Cité Radieuse while preserving its soul, drawing on the work of Le Corbusier.

Course of action

To provide a setting for the numerous works of art and designer furniture of the owners, great art lovers.


The layout has been completely redesigned to highlight and stage the couple’s works. The kitchen has been completely redesigned to be more suitable in terms of functionality, while at the same time redoing some of Le Corbusier’s and Charlotte Perriand’s characteristic kitchen elements (high cupboards, reminder of the wooden handles on the kitchen fronts, etc.).
The range of colors used in the apartment is also directly inspired by the range of paint that Le Corbusier used in Bordeaux for the Cité Frugès, whether for the kitchen, or for certain volumes that have been repainted in pink, ivory white, almond green and red.

A precise renovation offering the best possible showcase for pieces and works of art!



Sainte-Anne is a typical residential area of the "city of 111 villages".
  • Crédits photosOlivier Amsellem

L’ avant …

More than a renovation, this project is a revelation of a rare Type G duplex on the south façade of the Cité Radieuse. The flat was acquired by Cité Radieuse enthusiasts, so the idea was to restore it to its original appearance with the greatest respect for Le Corbusier.


To adapt this flat to a modern family life, by imagining new spaces, while respecting the place’s original design.

Course of action

To create a bright and peaceful family flat. Customize the spaces so that every member of the family makes it its own.


On the ground floor, the kitchen was completely refurbished, the niches were revealed, and the entrance furniture was tailor-made. The window frames were given a new lease of life after thorough sanding. On the first floor, the two children’s bedrooms were recreated in length, and the original sliding door was restored to its original state. Charlotte Perriand’s wardrobes were heightened to create a different space for each girl. In the large master bedroom, a desk/bookcase runs along the wall and adds a graphic element. Finally, an incredible cellar on the first floor has been integrated into the flat, creating a vast dressing room on one side and a laundry room on the other.

A delicate renovation, enhancing the work of Le Corbusier while adapting it to our times.



Sainte-Anne is a typical residential area of the "city of 111 villages".


Projet moderniste labellisé Patrimoine du XXe, le Parc du Roy d’Espagne est une vaste opération d’urbanisation du Sud de Marseille partant à l’assaut des contreforts boisés du massif de Marseilleveyre qui sépare le centre-ville des Calanques. Le site naturel aura contribué à orienter le projet des architectes vers le modèle des cités-jardins.


Envisagée dès 1959, la construction sera achevée en 1974. L’ensemble comporte un dégradé de 10 tours portant des noms de régions espagnoles, ainsi que 60 villas individuelles noyées dans la végétation de la forêt, dans un cadre offrant confort, intimité, et détente. L’implantation, attentive à l’exposition solaire et respectueuse du paysage, dessine un plan de masse aéré et discontinu.


S’intégrant dans une vaste pinède, le programme crée une ville haute dans les collines. L’ensemble, qui possède ses propres équipements, allie services publics et privés, activités tertiaires et logements. Ainsi, commerces, écoles, club de loisirs, équipements sportifs en plein air, et accès direct au départ des sentiers des Calanques sont à disposition des habitants.

Guillaume Gillet & Louis Olmeta

Né en 1912 et mort en 1987, Guillaume Gillet est un architecte français, Premier Grand Prix de Rome. Connu pour son architecture moderne, il est à la tête de l’une des principales agences françaises. Il participe à de nombreux concours, réalise d’importants aménagements urbains et programmes immobiliers. Parmi ses œuvres les plus célèbres, on compte l’église Notre-Dame de Royan, le pavillon de la France à l’Exposition universelle de Bruxelles de 1958, l’École nationale de la magistrature à Bordeaux, ou encore la tour le Grand Pavois à Marseille. Une collaboration étroite avec de grands ingénieurs l’amène à travailler sur des structures innovantes, mariant habilement l’art et la technique.


Né en 1906, Louis Olmeta est un architecte marseillais. Ses réalisations se concentrent dans les années 1950 et 1960, au moment où la population augmente fortement dans la cité phocéenne. C’est avec l’arrivée de Gaston Defferre que vont se développer ses projets. En effet, le maire de Marseille lance un programme associant de gros travaux d’aménagement urbain et la construction de grands ensembles immobiliers. Louis Olmeta participe également à de nombreuses réalisations privées, souvent en association avec d’autres architectes. Louis Olmeta associe dans ses réalisations les critères du confort moderne et de l’esthétique traditionnelle par le choix des matériaux de façade et de leur dessin.