François began his training in architecture at Paris-Val-de-Seine from which he graduated in 2002. After having collaborated with the Signes agency in parallel with his studies, he became fascinated by landscape design. He then joined the École Supérieure d’Architecture des Jardins et des Paysages, of which Gilles Clément, a world-renowned landscape architect, is the honorary president. After 2 years in Washington,
he moved to New York where he worked on his own for rooftop and garden projects in the Hamptons. He then directed the Landscape design branch for the agency
ODA-Architecture in New York.
After several years in the United States and wanting to reconnect with his home country, he founded the Tamaris agency for his personal projects in France and the United States.
In all of his creations and at all scales, François considers that a landscape project must be a successful link between man and his environment. Adept of the contrast between the regular and the natural, he brings a particular care to the choice of his evolving plant palettes as well as to the durability of the materials used.
After having met Amandine and Sébastien, François was confirmed in his choice to settle in the heart of the Phocaean city. Immediately seduced by ARCHIK’s transversal and precise concept, he decided to join the adventure and bring his expertise to the agency’s pool of experts.