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Dimensions144 pages 20 x 26 cm
DetailsAnnual Published by ARCHIK
Limited to10 000 copies
ManufacturingFrench - Sustainable paper

In this second issue, we head West for pure vitality and invigorating energy. The pink city bewitches us, the coast energizes us and Bordeaux astonishes us. The magazine expresses our passions. Focusing on art, design, the city and architecture, it gives a voice to the personalities who inspire us.


Art, Architecture, Design

Inspired by a creative, contemporary lifestyle, the Revue is based on real editorial and visual content that advocates “slow reading”. A bi-annual magazine that could be described as a “beautiful object”, with minimalist art direction and a strong emphasis on photography.

An editorial line centered on art, design, the city and architecture, through columns conceived as discussions, giving the floor to inspiring or prescriptive personalities:

Visite d’atelier – Rencontre avec Elitis

Intérieur particulier – Color Block

Objets de convoitise – Nuances sablées

Rendez-vous – Aēsop – Galerie du coté – Hedonic

Villégiature – Ville d’Hiver

Re-naissance – The Collectionist

Conversation – Avec BAST

La Revue en ligne

Discover a concentrate of artists, architects and designers who inspire us, a mix that seduces us both artistically and aesthetically.